
A network for research and teaching on the subject of wood
TUM.wood is a cooperation of seven professors at the Technische Universität München, who all are focused on the material wood. The common vision of the group is to strengthen the use of the material, to intensify its contribution to a responsible use of the available resources. The path into a new wood age needs to be found. The technical, architectural, environmental and economic possibilities of the most important renewable raw material are examined along the whole value chain - from the growth in the forest to the wood processing, from the application in the building sector to recycling strategies. The intersections of the participating partners represent the communicative basis for the cooperation. The spectrum includes forestry, the material research on wood, wood composites and biogenic polymers, innovative building constructions and contemporary building typologies which are doing justice to the material wood.
Definition of goals
The added value for research and teaching is reflected in cross-disciplinary projects to basics and applications. Interdisciplinary courses provide new opportunities for students of other disciplines. The training of young scientists in the field of forestry and wood is strengthened. The partnership represents a pool of expertise for questions from science, architecture, forestry, wood industry and construction practice. It also steps up the social perception of the resource wood. Existing obstacles for the further development of the use of wood will be located and tackled. A central information center for the scientific community and for authorities, politics and media develops.