Childcare (0 - 6 years)
With the right childcare, family can be balanced with work and study.
But what childcare options, and what types of financial support are actually available?
In addition to daycare centers and kindergartens, other forms of care are also offered, such as large-scale daycare.
The following websites offer a comprehensive range of information and advice on family-related topics and on balancing family and work/study.
Day Care Freising "Glückskinder"
Distribution of the spots (for children from 0 to approx. 3 years) via the Tageselternzentrum Freising; information and details about the day care via TUM Family Service.
Kindervilla Dr. Gudula Wernekke-Rastetter
Am Weihenstephaner Steig 17
85354 Freising
Tel. +49 8161 71 5869
Kinderkrippe Krabbelstube Weihenstephan
Emil-Erlenmeyer-Forum 4
85354 Freising
Tel./Fax +49 8161 12706 or Tel. +49 8161 71 5068
(Please do not call from 12:00 -14:15 - Mittagsruhe! (midday peace))
Kinder(t)räume Weihenstephan
(for children from 2 to 6 years old)
Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 5 (Rear cafeteria building)
85354 Freising
Tel. +49 8161 71 5140